About Us
Camp Discovery camp venue north of Pretoria is ideal for primary schools, high schools, youth groups or corporate leadership camps offering sports camps, adventure camps and leadership camps for schools and youth groups as well as student leadership groups.
Situated on this idyllic game farm with fauna and flora in abundance,
Camp Discovery is the #1 choice for every adventure.

World Class Facilities
Camp Discovery is unique in every sense of the word with facilities that can fulfill all expectations, whether it is sport, adventure, corporate, school or church camps.
With Facilities that can sleep up to 1200 students and 250 staff members at any given time in neat dormitories and chalets, we are most certainly your #1 destination in any adventure.
Our Team
Our team has a clear sense of purpose with measurable objectives.
Our team understands its customers’ expectations.
Our team effectively makes decisions.
Each team member understands what is expected of him or her.
Our team members support one another.
Our team members are highly skilled in each field of expertise.
Our team continuously monitors its performance.
Our team works at continuously improving its performance.
Our team achieves its goals and objectives.
Each member feels good about being a part of this team.